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Jennifer Hößler: Core Fitness Workout mit dem Gymnastikball PDF Print E-mail
Written by Christin   
Tuesday, 15 November 2016 15:12
sorry, translation is coming soon
DVD mailmailmailmail
Sprache: Deutsch
Dauer: 45 Min.
Workout 45 Min.
Phase I bis Phase 6  
 Effektivität: mail mail mail mail mail
 Anleitung: mail mail mail mail
 Motivation: mail mail mail
benötigte Hilfsmittel:    
großer Gymnastikball    
Hier erhältlich


Es handelt sich hier um ein Workout mit dem Gymnastikball. Die DVD ist eingeteilt in 6 verschiedene "Phasen". Leider werden diese  im Hauptmenü nicht näher beschrieben. Man muß erst ins Workout gehen. Erst hier wird angezeigt, was in jeder einzelnen "Phase"gemacht wird.  Ich habe diese für euch aufgebröselt, damit ihr seht, was euch erwartet.

               Phase 1: Mobilisation                            ca. 13 Min.
               Phase 2: Bauchtraining                         ca.   5 Min.
               Phase 3: Aktivierung der Körpermitte     ca.   5 Min.
               Phase 4: Beintraining                           ca. 3,5 Min.
               Phase 5: Training in Rückenlage            ca. 10 Min. 
               Phase 6: Bauchtraining in Rückenlage    ca.   5 Min.   
Jennifer bleibt auch bei dieser DVD ihrem sehr spartanischen Ambiente treu. Sie macht die Übungen mit dem Ball auf einem Parkettboden, rutscht dabei selber mit den Füßen weg und gibt den Rat, auf glattem Boden lieber barfuß zu trainieren. Ich selber würde jedem raten, auf alle Fälle auf einer rutschfesten Matte oder einem weichen Untergrund zu trainieren.  Man fällt dann  nicht so hart.     

Eine gewisse Erfahrung mit dem Gymanstikball sollte schon vorhanden sein, bevor man sich an diese DVD wagt. Es finden viele Übungen statt, bei denen man das Gleichgewicht halten muß. Auf dem Boden mag das nicht so ein Problem sein, auf einem Ball allerdings sieht die Sache schon anders aus. Wer trotzdem diese DVD haben möchte, kann versuchen einige Übungen abzuwandeln (Jennifer gibt dazu leider keine vereinfachten Varianten an), um dadurch nach und nach mehr Sicherheit zu bekommen. Etwas Geduld gehört dazu.

Bei Phase 1 findet nicht nur eine Mobilisation statt, sondern hier beginnt schon das Taining. Durch das Liegen auf dem Ball in Rückenlage, wird nicht nur die Core Muskulatur trainiert, sondern die Beine werden auch involviert. Jennifer rollt sich z.B. auf dem Ball mit langgestrecken Armen von rechts nach links, macht Crunches, hebt erst das linke Bein an, dann das rechte. Bei einigen Übungen bedarf es Gleichgewichtssinn.

In Phase 2 "Bauchtraining" macht Jennifer das Brett und einige Übungen für den Rücken in Bauchlage. Hier kann ich den Tipp geben, eine Wand oder etwas ähnliches zur Hilfe zu nehmen, um nicht mit den Beinen nach hinten wegzurutschen. So kann man sich gezielt auf seine Übungen konzentrieren.

In Phase 3 "Aktivierung der Körpermitte" geht es wieder bäuchlings auf dem Ball (beide Beine anheben,  Push-Ups,  Jennifer dreht sich auf dem Ball im Wechsel auf die rechte und linke Seite, wobei sie in der Seitenlage dann ein Bein anhebt, ranziehen der Knie auf dem Ball etc.)

In Phase 4 "Beintraining"  macht Jennifer Kniebeuge mit dem Ball an der Wand, und verharrt einige Zeit mit beiden Knien auf dem Ball (sehr tricky)

Phase 5 "Training in Rückenlage" besteht aus Übungen wie Brücke, Brücke dabei ein Bein senkrecht anheben, seitl. Crunch, Crunch mit nachfedern etc.

Auch Phase 6 findet in Rückenlage auf dem Boden statt. Diese Übungen bestehen aus traditionellen Bauchübungen (Crunch, seitlicher Crunch, nachfedern usw.)

Außer die Übungen in Phase 6, sind alle anderen teilweise schon sehr anspruchsvoll. Gleichgewichtssinn und Kraft sind gefragt. Gut finde ich, dass nicht nur die Coremuskulatur trainiert wird, sondern im Grunde der ganz Körper. Nicht so gut, dass keine vereinfachten Alternativen aufgezeigt werden.

Ich würde diese DVD in den Bereich fortgeschrittene Geübte und Fortgeschrittene ansiedeln. Wer überhaupt keine Erfahrung   mit dem Gymnastikball hat, sollte sich vielleicht erst eine "einfachere" DVD zulegen.

Gute und effektive DVD.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 November 2016 15:21
Kelly Coffey: Amped-Up Cardio LIVE PDF Print E-mail
Written by Christin   
Saturday, 08 October 2016 17:55
DVD mail mail mail mail mail
Sprache: English
Dauer: ca. 60 Min.
Art: Cardio/Aerobic/Boxing
Workout  I about 30 Min.
Workout II about 30 Min.
5 verschiedene Premixes all with Warm-up and Stretch
None Effektiviness: mail mail mail mail mail
  Instruction: mail mail mail mail mail
  Motivation: mail mail mail mail mail
available here plus Trailer  or
here plus Trailer

In contrast to Kelly´s other DVDs, this one is a live recording with an audience, who work together with Kelly. The workout lasts 60 minutes. These 60 minutes are divided into two 30 minutes workouts, according to her well-known motto.

They are cardio workouts with boxing and aerobic elements which are interrupted by short drills, which means aerobic boxing combos, drills, aerobic boxing combos, drills etc. Both workouts consist of 8 combos and 5 drills. The first workout seems to be longer and is more intensive than the second one. The main reason is, that the second one has only 2 drills but a longer cool down. Therefore the real workout time in the second one is only 25 minutes. If you want to try to push yourself to  your limits you have to choose one of Kelly´s premixes, in which both workouts are put together. '

You get 5 premixes:

1. Both Workouts
2. Both Workouts without Drills
3. Workout I without Drills
4. Workout II without Drills
5. All Drills

The choreography of the combos is easy to follow. The drills consist of e.g. plank with pulling in the knee, wide jumps, quick double leg butt kicks ,  jumping into the plank with jumping jacks etc. One of her companions always shows modifications.

The music is thrilling (ín my opinion). To me the whole atmosphere is great. You realize at once how much fun it is for Kelly and the for the audience. Kelly presents a great workout. Both workouts are really varied because of the awesome choreography.

It is a great DVD. Suited for the intermediate and for the advanced. The advanced can increase the intensity of the drills or sometimes there are days in which you don´t want to exhaust yourself too much. yes yes yes

Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 07:56
Kim Kardashian: Fit In Your Jeans by Friday: Ultimate Butt Body Sculpt PDF Print E-mail
Written by Eva   
Wednesday, 30 November 2011 18:16
Kim Kardashian DVD mail mail mail mail
Language: English
Run Time: 48 min.
Kind: Toning
Warm up:   6 min.
Workout I   Butt/Legs 15 min
Workout II  Butt/Legs incl. Stretch 20 min.
Bonus Workout   7 min.
Dunbbells, Step Bench Effectivenss: mail mail mail mail
  Instruction: mail mail mail mail
here available    Motivation: mail mail mail mail
here you can find a trailer    

Despite my doubts about this Fitness DVD from Kim Kardashian I have to admit that this is well done. The reason maybe is that Kim K. mainly acts as a performer and the workouts themselves are led by a professional fitness instructor (Jennifer Galardi). She gives during the whole workouts helpful instructions how to perform the different exercises correctly.

Workout I is carried out without the step bench but partly with lighter dumbbells. The exercises mainly consist of squats, lunges, sidelifts etc. In some exercises dumbbells are used, so the upper body is also slightly  trained.

In Workout II the step bench is used. It starts with a 2-minute moderate cardio section. Then mainly the calves, butt, the back of the thight etc. are trained. Furthermore this workout contains the stretch. 

The bonus workout takes place on a mat. In this routine not only the butt is trained but also the abs. Simple abs exercises are carried out.

The exercises are varied, effective and quite demanding if you are beginner, advanced beginner or returner. All other people might feel unchallenged. (it can be easily recognized in the German trailer)

But beware, you won´t get a super figure within a week, as the dvd title promise. To reach this goal it requires much more training.

A good DVD for beginners.    4 points


Last Updated on Sunday, 21 August 2016 11:19
Patrick Goudeau: Dumb Training PDF Print E-mail
Written by Christin   
Monday, 21 November 2016 12:59
DVD mail mail mail mail
Language: English
Running Timer: 50 Min.
Kind: Strength + Cardio
Warm up about 6 Min.
Workout I
Workout II
Workout III
Workout IV
about 8 Min.
about 7 Min.
about 8 Min.
about 8 Min.
Abs  about 6 Min.
Cool down  about 5 Min.
Equipment: Effectiveness: mail mail mail mail
Dumbbells Instruction: mail mail mail mail
  Motivation: mail mail mail mail
available here or here + Trailer    

This is already my second DVD of Patrick Goudeau. I haven´t described the first one "Body Design," because you hardly can buy it anywhere. That is a pity.  sad He works together with two co-instructor. Unfortunately, none of them shows modifications. You can do the whole workout or, as above mentioned, customize it. The workouts are in the same way; that means they consist of strength exercises and cardio intervals. All exercises are completely done once and then repeated.

You train several muscle groups simultaneously.

Workout I    Squat with shoulder press, rows on one leg, plank with pulling in the knees. The cardio segment in and out the feet very quickly.
Workout II   Lunges backward with a stiff leg, push-ups with alternating rows, mountain climber, etc.
Workout III  Reverse Lunge with bow and arrow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUlJZQ9SNro, bicep curls with shoulder press and triceps extension, etc.
Workout IV Triceps extensions, lunge backward with wood choppers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA3S8CrSOTw, etc.
                   The exercises of the fourth workout are executed with one dumbbell
Abdominals: Crunches on the mat in sitting position with weights,  flies in combination moving both legs alternately to the right and left, etc.

It is a varied DVD because the combination of the exercises has turned out well. The focus is more on weight training because the cardio intervals are very short. Patrick Goudeau is very friendly and gives good instructions so that you can follow without problems. Apart from strength and endurance, the balance is also trained.

It is a good DVD, suitable for the intermediate.


Last Updated on Thursday, 24 November 2016 18:08
Paul Katami: Band Camp PDF Print E-mail
Written by Christin   
Wednesday, 17 August 2016 09:19
DVD mail mail mail mail
Language: English
Duration: 45 min.
Kind: Strength/Toning
Warm up:  2 Min.
Workout: 35 Min.
Stretch:  2  Min.
Equipment: Effectivity: mail mail mail mail
Tube, Miniband/Loop Instruction: mail mail mail mail
  Motivation: mail mail mail mail

here available  plus Trailer


People who have fun to work not only with weights can get a good alternative with this DVD. In this workout, only a tube and a miniband/loop are used. It is a pure strength workout, no cardio intervals.

It starts with the tube. It is partly a combination of upper- and lower body exercises (lunges with shoulder press, side-lunges with bicep-curls e.g.). At first, all is performed with the right leg then the whole is repeated with the other leg. In this part, the balance is trained too.

Then the miniband is used (walking from side to side, leg extensions, knee-lifts....). Afterwards, Paul combines both, miniband and tube. Upper- and lower body is trained at the same time (hamstring curls with bicep curls, front raise with leg extensions...). All is executed with the right leg then with the other.

Before going on the mat some standing core exercises are done (golf swing, oblique crunch....)

The seated back exercises consist of different kind of rows.

For the core work, Paul uses the tube as well as the miniband (crunches with leg abduction, side-crunches with pulling up the legs, side plank...)

The complete workout is performed without haste so that you have enough time to change the equipment.All important muscles are trained, not too much bus sufficient, except the biceps. Many repetitions take place. Bicep curls with the hand grips in the right and left hand, then both hand grips in one hand. That let the muscle burn, but positively.

A co-trainer shows the easier modifications. Paul himself is a pleasant and encouraging instructor. He gives good cues and the workout is well-structured with variety.

Unfortunately, the warm-up and the stretch are a little bit too short, with only 2 minutes each.

Not only intermediate people can work with this DVD but also advanced people because they can use tubes and miniband in different strength.

Good DVD.




Last Updated on Saturday, 22 July 2017 13:01
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Balance Cushion
Body-Bar Gewichtsstange
BootCamp Body Tube
Boxing Gloves
Firm Cushion
Handheld heavy ball
Ankle Weights/Wrist Weights
Weight Plate
Gliding Discs
Exercise Ball/ Stability Ball
Rubber Mat
Barbell Bar
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Pilates Ring
Step Bench
Resistance Band
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