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sorry, translation is coming soon

Viele Fitnessbegriffe sind aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übernommen worden, weil sie kurz und knapp sagen, was gemacht werden soll.  Im Deutschen braucht man dazu längere Erklärungen. Bei folgender Übung hieße es: Gehe in die Kniebeuge, dann in die Brettposition, mache einen Liegestüzt, komme wieder hoch und mache einen Hocksprung. Im Englischen heißt es einfach "Burpee" und jeder weiss, was er machen soll.  Ich habe in meiner Rubrik "Was ist eigentlich", eine ganze Reihe englischer Begriffe aufgeführt und die meisten mit einem Link versehen, so dass ihr genau seht, was gemeint ist und wie man die Übungen ausführen soll.

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Cathe Friedrich: Metabolic Total Body/ Ice Series

Coming soon


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Evaluation Criteria

I earlier wrote (see "My DVDs" for further explanation), that there is a big difference between German DVDs and DVDs from the USA. You can´t compare them. ´The situation is similar to hotels with 5 stars.  You can not compare a five-star hotel in Dubai with a five-star hotel in Mallorca.  I only compare German DVDs with German ones and I do the same with DVDs from the USA.

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Englisch-sprachige DVDs

sorry, translation is coming soon

Laßt euch von englisch-sprachigen Fitness-DVDs nicht abschrecken. Wenn ihr euch das Workout vorher
ein oder zweimal anschaut, werdet ihr feststellen, dass viele Begriffe auch in unseren Fitnessstudios verwendet
werden z. B. Knee-lift, Squat, Push-up, Lunge, Deadlift etc. Hat man das Workout ein paar mal gemacht,
kommt man ganz schnell rein. Ein zusätzlicher Nebeneffekt, ihr könnt eure Englischkenntnisse aufbessern  laugh.

Für Anfänger ist es problematisch. Wichtig ist immer, die Übungen korrekt zu machen. Wenn man die Sprache nicht
allzu gut beherrscht und noch nie im Fitnessstudio trainiert bzw. Kurse besucht hat, weiß man nicht, worauf man
achten muß.

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Some of you have probably noticed that I am focusing my attention more on fitness DVDs from the USA. In my opinion they are better than German ones, of course not all. The market for fitness DVDs is booming in the USA. Many people there have another attitude towards fitness than in Germany. Currently, Germany is lagging behind the USA. The instructors work in a very professional manner. Therefore their DVDs are really varied. It is irrelevant whether boxing, HIIT, kickboxing, aerobic, strength or endurance training. They don´t need beautiful beaches and scenes. The training mostly takes place in appealing premises. One gets the feeling of being involved. Besides the instructors are really creative.  It is fun working with these DVDs.

Of course, I will also continue to review German DVDs.


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Sources of Supply

These hints are mainly given for German people because they are not familiar to USA sources. You must enter "10off"  in the coupon code then you get 10 % reduction

You can also order directly from Kelly Coffey or Cathe Friedrich. If Kelly releases a new DVD she holds a presale. Check out from time to time. .  It is also possible to download DVDs. However, you get only the workouts without the great premixes, which make the training more varied.

Cathe Friedrich offers  daily deals  Here it is also possible to download, unfortunately without premixes.

Additionally Cathe offers "Cathe live" for 9,97 $ per month. Every Thursday Cathe gives live lessons in her gym at 9.15 . These lessons are recorded. You can take part live. All recorded lessons are archived and you can retrieve all archived lessons whenever you want. "Cathe live" has been available since May 2014. You can imagine how many workouts there are by now (boxing, interval training, spinning, total body training....)

There is another offer.  "Cathe on Demand"  for  19,97 $/ per month. It is possible to retrieve not only the archived lessons but also all workouts from her released DVDs (more than 300) and there is even a workout blender.


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