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Andreas Goller: Bodymoves - Bauch, Beine, Po PDF Print E-mail
Written by Eva   
Tuesday, 11 October 2011 17:22

sorry, translation is coming soon

Andreas Goller DVD  
Sprache: Deutsch
Dauer: ca. 73 Min.
Art: Kräftigen/Formen
Warm up:   8 Min.
Workout im Stehen: 16 Min.
Workout im Liegen: 35 Min.
Stretch: 14 Min.
benötigte Hilfsmittel:    
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hier findest du einen Trailer    

Wer aufgrund des Covers die Erwartung hat, eine Frau beim Workout zu finden, dürfte enttäuscht sein, denn Andreas Goller absolviert das Trainingsprogramm alleine. Daran kann man sich aber schnell gewöhnen.

Das Workout im Stehen besteht hauptsächlich aus Squats (Kniebeugen), Sidelifts (seitliches Beinheben), Ausfallschritte, Kneelifts (Knie heben) etc. Andreas Goller hat die einzelnen Übungen abgewandelt, so daß für jedes Fitness Level etwas dabei ist. Er fängt bei jeder Übung mit der leichtesten Variante an, zeigt diese ein paar Mal, kommt dann zum 2. und schließlich zur schwierigsten Ausführung. So hat jeder die Möglichkeit so lange in seinem Level zu arbeiten, bis er nach einiger Zeit zur schwierigeren Ausführung übergehen kann.

Das Workout im Liegen zielt auf die Taille, den Bauch und den Rücken ab. Diese Übungen werden genau wie beim Workout im Stehen so abgewandelt, dass Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene gleichermaßen trainieren können. Wer allerdings mehr auf traditionelle Bauchübungen steht, dem dürfte dieses Workout nicht gefallen.

Das gesamte Programm wird sehr ruhig ausgeführt. Es gibt keine Hektik bei den Übergängen von einer Übung zu anderen.

Ein großes Defizt bei dieser DVD ist, dass Andreas Goller während des Programms nicht mit den Trainierenden kommuniziert. Die Anweisungen zu den Übungen erfolgt durch seine Stimme aus dem Hintergrund. Diese sind zwar im Bezug über Aussagen zur korrekten Ausführung der Übungen sehr gut, aber der Nachteil besteht einfach darin, dass die Übergänge von einer Übung zur nächsten viel zu spät angesagt werden. Dadurch wird das Training teilweise unharmonisch und man kommt aus dem Tritt. 

Geeignet ist diese DVD für Anfänger bis Geübte.     3 Sterne

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 August 2016 18:06
Clare Nasir´s Boot Camp PDF Print E-mail
Written by Eva   
Sunday, 11 November 2012 17:26
Clare Nasir DVD mail mail mail mail
Language: Englisch
Running time: 80 Min.
Kind: Strength/Cardio
Punch inkl. Warm up: 20 Min.
Kick: 20 Min.
Tone: 20 Min.
Crunch&Cool down: 20 Min.
Nutrition tips  
Effectiviness: mail mail mail mail mail
Equipment: Instruction: mail mail mail
Dumbbellls Motivation: mail mail mail mail
available here


Clare Nasir is or was a famous "Weatherwoman" on television in Great Britain. She has gained weight during her pregnancy as you can see in the trailer. As she says, she has lost the weight through balanced nutrition and sport. If her before and after photos are correct, all I can say " hats off and respect".

It is an effective total body training. Clare works with two instructors, one of them shows the easier modifications.

In the "Punch" segment the focus is on the upper body. Cardio  (jump rop, slow and fast jogging) alternates with box/kickbox combinations with light weights (jabs, hooks, upper cuts etc). Later on they work on the mat. (push ups with rotation, side crunch with weights etc.)

The cardio part of the "kick segment" (focus on lower body) exclusively consists of kneelifts, which alternates with  sidekicks, frontkicks and squats. The exercises on the mat with dumbbells are twists from side to side. 

The third part "tone" consists of 6 exercises which are performed for 30 seconds each (jabs with dumbbells, jumping lunges with a twist, back lunges , frontkicks etc.) . Most of the exercises are executed with weights. .

The core workout is performed for about 10 minutes.  It consists of two rounds with 4 exercises and ends with a plank exercise. The first three exercises are for the straight ab muscles (crunches), dumbbells are used. The fourth exercise is for the obliques (side plank with a twist).

Unfortunately you can´t choose the warm up and cool down seperately. The music is ok, the instructions are fairly poor. At the end you get nutrition tips.

At the beginning of every workout Clare gives short hints about calorie consumption (usually between 250 and 300 calories/workout). A separate info part would have been better, because now you have to listen to this again and again.

Because of the different levelst this DVD is suitable for the beginners and for the advanced.

Although it is an effective and mostly varied DVD I give minus points because of the slightly monotonous cardio part and the poor instructions.



Last Updated on Thursday, 18 August 2016 18:06
Daniel Aminati: We love Fatburner PDF Print E-mail
Written by Eva   
Wednesday, 28 September 2011 08:40


Daniel Aminati DVD mail mail mail kiss
Language: German
Run Time: 75 min.
Kind: Cardio/Toning
Warm up:    7 min.
Section I  Easy Punches:  15 min.
Section II Fatburner intensive: 15 min.
Section III: Cardio Booster: 15 min.
Section IV: Core Power pure:  15 min.
Equipment: Stretch:    8 min.
  Effectiveness: mail mail mail mail
here available: Instruction: mail mail mail
here you can find a trailer: Motivation: mail mail mail mail

This fitness workout is carried out by Daniel Aminati and Nina Winkler a German fitness instructor.  The focus, however, lies on Daniel Aminati, a German television moderator. The workout comes across very well owing to his artless and likeable nature. Both train in front of a white, almost sterile background. In my opinion this is not bad in case the workout is effective.

The menu is very good. You can customize your own program or do the complete workout. In addition to this you can select "special programs". That is a cut-togther from the total program consisting of one 45-minute and two 30-minute workouts.  So beginners have the chance to improve their fitness-level step by step.

All 4 sections require full physical exertion but the third section is most demanding. Kickbox elements and punches are combined with other exercises and this makes the workout very varied.

The abs training consinsts of cardio elements and exercises which are carried out on a mat. These are very effective but a lot of shoulder work is required. People with shoulder problems or weak shoulder muscles could get problems to carry them out (e.g. here). Another part of the mat exercises are traditional like crunches etc.

I miss personally an fitness instructor who gives early enough cues and who encourages me not to give up. Unfortunatley there is only an impersonal voice in the background which gives the instructions. That is the reason why the change from one exercise to the other partly comes too late. 

It is a good, varied and challenging DVD. Suitable for beginners to advanced. I subtract one point for the missing instructor and 1 point because of the abs training with the extreme shoulder work.   


Last Updated on Thursday, 18 August 2016 17:51
Denise Austin: Bauch und Taille PDF Print E-mail
Written by mueckxs   
Sunday, 24 July 2011 19:18
sorry, translation is coming soon
Denise Austin DVD mail mail mail mail heart
Sprache: Deutsch
Dauer: 30 Min.
Art: Formen/Kräftigen
Workout Bauch:  3 x 10 Min.
Effektiviät: mail mail mail mail
benötigte Hilfsmittel: Anleitung: mail mail mail mail
keine Motivation: mail mail mail mail mail
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hier findest du einen Trailer    

Diese DVD ist eingeteilt in drei Trainingseinheiten a´10 Minuten, so dass man nur jedes 4. Mal die gleichen Bauchübungen machen kann. Auf diese Weise kommt keine Langeweile auf und dadurch wird das Ganze sehr abwechselungsreich.  Der Schwierigkeitsgrad wird  von Trainingseinheit zu Trainingseinheit etwas schwieriger.

Man benötigt keine zusätzlichen Hilfsmittel (außer vielleicht eine Matte). Denise Austin zeigt einem, wie man durch eigenen Körpereinsatz, Widerstand erzeugen kann. Wenn man sich trotzdem noch unterfordert fühlen sollte, kann man die Übungen durch Hanteln oder Fußgewichte etwas abwandeln.

Diese DVD ist für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene geeignet. Gute DVD, um seine Bauchmuskulatur auf Vordermann zu bringen.


Last Updated on Sunday, 21 August 2016 11:25
Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred PDF Print E-mail
Written by Eva   
Saturday, 24 March 2012 19:18
Jillian Michaels DVD mail mail mail mail heart
Language: English
Run Time: about  60 min.
Kind: Total Body Training/Interval
Workout  Level I: all Workouts are about
Workout Level II: 28 min. long incl.
Workout Level III: Warm up and Cool  Down
Effecivenesss: mail mail mail mail
Instruction: mail mail mail mail mail
Equipment: Motivation: mailmail mail mail
here available    
here you can find a Trailer
here you can find a 2. Trailer

Jillian Michaels´DVd consits of 3 workouts with 3 different fitness level. It is an effective total body training that enables you to improve your own fitness level step by step and then to go on to the next level.

Every workout is an interval training and is diveded in 

3 x 3 min. of strength training
3 x 2 min. of cardio training
3 x 1 min. of abs exercises

The strength training of the  workouts are partly carried out with dumbbells here at the same time leg and  upper body work is combined.  The cardio segments mainly consist of jump elements like jumping jack, joggen, skipping etc.   The abs exercises are carried out on the floor. 

Because there are no breaks between the the strength, cardio and abs segments the heart beat goes up and you work up a sweat.

Jillian Michaels is a very good instructor. She shows and explains how the exercises have to be carried out properly,  which is very helpful for the beginners to avoid injuries. Nevertheless a beginner should not  believe that the first level is easy. Although one of Jillian Michaels´ participant shows a lighter version you need good staying power. 

 Two things, however, I did´nt like too much:

1. Because there are no breaks you have the feeling to rush from exercise to exercise.
2. Level three.  Here you have to do many push ups or push ups in a slightly modified version. I
    like push ups but for my taste it was too much. I missed the variety.
Nevertheless it is a good DVD. Suitable for beginners and for the avanced. In any case you should watch both trailer.


Last Updated on Sunday, 21 August 2016 11:24
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