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Kelly Coffey-Meyer's: 30-Minutes to Fitness Step Boxing PDF Print E-mail
Written by Eva   
Tuesday, 03 July 2012 16:09


Kelly Coffey DVD mail mail mail mail mail
Language: English
Run Time: ca. 60 min.
Art: Cardio/Step Workout
Workout I 23 min.+4 min. Warm up
Workout II 24 min.+4 min. Warm up
Cool Down/Stretch   5 min.
Effectiveness: mail mail mail mail mail
Instruction: mail mail mail mail mail
Motivation: mail mail mail mail mail
Step  Bencht, optional Dumbbells    
available here plus Trailer    


One of my favorites. Lively, challenging and effective. You burn many calories in only a short time and you work up a sweat.

The combination of  kickbox elements and step is very demanding. A short tutorial shows how to execute some of the steps which make it easier to follow Kelly during the workout. Unfortunately, she only explains parts of the choreography but not the boxing blows e.g. punches, jabs, uppercuts etc. People who are not familiar with these blows or with kickboxing can have problems at the beginning. But this can be managed after a short time.

In my opinion, Kelly Coffey´s DVDs have one of the best premixes. You don´t get only  two thirty-minute workouts for your money you get much more. I give a detailed list of the premixes so you can see what I mean.

        Workout I plus Extra Kickbox Drills (40:38)
        Workout II  plus Extra Kickbox Drills (40:10)
        Workout I plus Extra Dumbbell Work (40:53)
        Workout II plus Extra  Dumbbell Work (39:11)
        All  Kickbox Drills (Without a Step) (26:30)
        All Dumbbell Work (Without a  Step) (23:11)
        Kickbox Drill and Dumbbell Work (41:57)
        Kelly's Favorites (54:30)
        Workout I and II (56:29)
This premix  allows you an individual and varied training as well as burning calories in only a short time.  One of Kelly´s  colleagues shows that the workouts can also be executed without a step. Kelly´s cueing is great and also the music she has chosen.
Great DVD. Watch  the Trailer. 
Last Updated on Thursday, 11 August 2016 11:02
Kelly Coffey: 30 minute to Fitness: Bootcamp PDF Print E-mail
Written by Eva   
Wednesday, 31 July 2013 17:26
Bootcamp DVD mailmailmailmail
Language: Englisch
Running Time: 60 Min.
Workout I  
Warm up:    4 Min.
Workout: 25 Min.
Cool Down:   1 Min. (Stretch)
Workout II  
Warm up:   4 Min.
Workout: 25 Min.
Cool Down:   1 Min. (Stretch)
Equipment: Bonus Stretch 18 Min.
Beginner:        0,5 bis 2,5 kg Dumbbells    
Intermediate:  1,5 bis 3,5 kg Dumbbells Effektiviness:: mail mail mail mail mail
Advanced:      2 bis  5   kg    Dumbbells Instruction: mail mail
  Motivation: mail mail mail mail mail

Here available plus Trailer

This Dvd consists of two 30-minute workouts as well as 4 Premixes, which are as followed:

               Both Workouts:    55 Min.
               Only Strength:     30 Min.
               Only Cardio:         30 Min.   
               Stretch:                22 Min.

The 30-minute workouts consist of cardio segments which alternate with strength exercises, each of them last 2 minutes.

The cardio segments are not only jumping jacks or running in place but rather little step sequences, which makes it more varied. Some of the exercises are carried out with dumbbells. At the beginning, it could be a little bit difficult to follow her steps, but after a short time you are able to manage them.

In the strength segment, the muscles of the  upper and lower body are simultaneously trained. That means you combine lunges with iron cross or squats with triceps kickbacks etc. Because these segments also last 2 minutes,  you need to think carefully about which weight to take,  but this makes it interesting for the advanced, too,  because they only have to increase their weights.

All exercises are carried out slowly and in a controlled manner so you can concentrate on your muscles.

A background instructor shows modifications. Kelly`s explanations how to carry out the exercises correctly are a little bit poor. I like the music.

The DVD is well suited for the intermediate and the advanced. yes



Last Updated on Saturday, 18 February 2017 12:54
Kelly Coffey: 30 Minutes to Fitness/Cardio Pump PDF Print E-mail
Written by Christin   
Friday, 29 July 2016 16:08
Kelly Coffey DVD mail mail mail mail mail
Sprache: English
Dauer: 64 Min.
Kind: Cardio/Total Body
Workout  I Cardio/Boxing 30 Min.
Workout II Total Body 33 Min.
Premixes  All with Warm-up and Stretch
Ankle weights, Boxings gloves
optional; weights
Effectivity: mail mail mail mail mail
  Instruction: mail mail mail mail mail
  Motivation: mail mail mail mail mail
availabe here plus Trailer  oder


I have worked with many of Kellys DVDs (reviews will follow). I must admit that her last releases I didn´t  like so much. I prefer her older ones. Therefore I was positively surprised when I received this one. It is a varied, fast-paced (based on the boxing part) fitness DVD. Kelly´s  cues are very good and she is encouraging.

All of her DVDs consist of two 30 minute workouts, but both are completely different.

Workout I is a powerful cardio boxing with different boxing combos. It is lot of fun to work with this Dvd. As in other boxing workouts you have to learn a small part of choreography but Kellys instructions are great, so you can learn the combos very quickly. As above mentioned it is fast-paced and varied. You can recognize that she has put a lot of thought into the workout so that it never becomes boring. Not only simple hooks here and upper cuts there. People who want the workout more demanding can put on boxing gloves or wrist weights.

Workout II is strength training with 3 different weights. It starts from heavy through moderate to  light weights. All big muscle groups are trained and that with 3 different exercises per muscle group. For the first exercise, Kelly uses the heavy weights, for the second the moderate and for the third exercise the light ones. Every exercise is performed about 1 Minute, then she moves on to the next muscle group. The main part consists of traditional exercises , like up right rows, bicep curls, deadlifts, lunges, squats etc.  But it becomes not boring because all exercises are performed only once.

It is pitty that no specific core training takes place on the mat.

In both workouts, easier modifications are shown. The music is great.

It is a great DVD with many premixes so that you don´t receive only two 30 minute workouts. You receive much more. This is also important for people for whom 30 minutes are not enough.  
The DVD is suitable for the intermediate and advanced people.  yesyesyes



Last Updated on Saturday, 18 February 2017 12:54
Kelly Coffey-Meyer: Strength and Stamina PDF Print E-mail
Written by Christin   
Wednesday, 11 January 2017 10:46
DVD mail mail mail mail mail
Language: English
Running Time: 60 Min.
Kind: Strength/Total Body
Warm up:   5 Min.
Workout I 30 Min.
Workout II 30 Min.
Bonus Step:
ca. 23 Min.
benötigte Hilfsmittel:    
Dumbbells, optional Kettlebell, Step Bench for the bonus part Effektiveness: mail mail mail mail mail
  Instruction: mail mail mail mail mail
available here
here or here
Motivation: mail mail mail mail mail

Kelly Coffey's motto is that you can train the entire body in just 30 minutes, and she again proves it in "Strength and Stamina". Also on this DVD there are two 30-minute workouts with a lot of premixes, so that you can customize your training individually, varied and above all effective. Here, too, she has her "crew" again, one of them modifies and uses a dumbbell instead of a kettlebell.

Kelly's recommendation for the dumbbells and Kettlebell are: 

Advanced:        20 lbs and 15 lbs/ Kettlebell 20 lbs
Intermediate:    15 lbs and 10 lbs/ Kettlebell 15 lbs
Beginner:            7 lbs and  5 lbs

The warm-up is selected separately. It is the same for both workouts. So when you select the workouts, it starts immediately.

In Workout I and II there are five rounds each. Each round consists of 2 exercises (one for the upper body and one for the lower body) which are repeated three times. The individual exercises usually consist of 12 repetitions. You can adjust your level by increasing or decreasing the weights. Before Kelly moves to the next round, a Kettlebell Swing exercise is inserted (4  swings per workout and they are equal in both workouts). These swings let the heart rate go up.

The exercises in Workout I consist of, for example, pec deck, squats with dumbbells, supinating curls, deadlifts, shoulder press, overhead extensions, jumped lunges etc. In Workout II the exercises consist of lateral raise over the head, straight jumps, bicep side curls and bicep reverse curls, lunges forward and backward, kickbacks and pop squats with dumbbell etc.

There are a total of 12 premixes, which already contain the warm up and the stretch and look as follows:

Workout I:  No Swings, 31 Minutes
Workout II: No Kettlebell Swings, 30 Minutes
Workout I:  2 Sets & Swings, 28 Minutes
Workout II: 2 Sets & Swings, 28 Minutes
Workout I:  1 Set & Swings, 21 Minutes
Workout II: 1 Set & Swings, 21 Minutes
Combination of Workout I and II, 63 Minutes
Combination of Workout I and II, no Swings, 54 Minutes
Workout I:  no Cardio Leg Blasts, 38 Minutes
Workout II: no Cardio Leg Blasts, 38 Minuten
Lower Body Training: Legs & Kettlebell Swings of Workout I and II, 24 Minutes
Upper Body Training: Upper Body & Kettlebell Swings of Workout I and II, 28 Minutes

For advanced users 30 minutes may be too short, but as you can see from the premixes, you can also select the combination of Workout I and II without any problems. If there is a lack of time or someone who does not like to exercise with a Kettlebell, you can select what you want. There is basically something for everyone.

A  major plus is the bonus part. Here you also get a diversified step-workout, which has its own warm-up and cool down and you can recognize at once that Kelly has put a lot of work into it. It is effective, lively and fun.

It is for me again a great DVD. Even though some people may think these workouts are more suitable for the intermediates. But I believe that even the advanced will have fun with this DVD. They just need to increase the weights. Thats it.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 February 2017 08:31
Kristin McGee: MTV Pilates PDF Print E-mail
( 0 Votes )
Written by Eva   
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 12:08
sorry, translation is coming soon
Kristin McGee DVD mail mail mail mail
Sprache: Deutsch
Dauer: 39 Minuten
Art: Formen
Workout: 39 Minuten
Effektivität: mail mail mail broken heart
Anleitung: mail mail mail broken heart
Motivation: mail mail mail mail
benötigte Hilfsmittel:    
hier erhältlich    
hier eine Vorschau    

Bei dieser DVD gibt es 4 Trainer. Kristin Mcgee und eine Co-Trainerin für die schwierigste Variante, ein "netter Herr", der die Übungen für die Geübten vorführt und eine Trainerin für die leichteste Ausführung. Die Kameraführung ist leider so, dass die anderen Trainer immer nur kurz im Bild erscheinen und die meiste Zeit Kristin Mcgee zu sehen ist. Das erschwert einem Anfänger das Training.

Der Schwerpunkt bei diesem Workout liegt auf dem Bauch/Taille. Hier gibt es eine Reihe klassischer Übungen (hundreds, single leg circle, single leg stretch, Schere, Fahrrad fahren, Brett, seitliches Brett etc.), aber es kommen auch manche nicht so gängige Übungen vor.   Für die Beine/ Po gibt es Übungen wie z.B. kreisen des Beins in Seitlage, Beine Anheben in Seitlage, one leg kick, für den  Rücken Übungen ähnlich wie Superman oder Schwimmen und für die Brust/Arme (Liegestütz) etc.

Wie man oben sehen kann arbeitet Kristin Mcgee mit vielen verschiedenen Übungen, allerdings nur mit wenigen Wiederholungen. Das macht das Training abwechselungsreich,allerdings gewinnt es auch an Tempo und bevor man die Anstrengung richtig  spürt, geht es weiter zur nächsten Übung. Es wirkt aber nicht hetzig, da Kristin eine ruhige Art an den Tag legt und zwischendurch kurze Stretchings einbaut.

Die zügige Abfolge macht es dem Anfänger sehr schwer, die Übungen korrekt auszuführen, daher ist dieses Workout eher geeignet für Geübte bis Fortgschrittene.

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 March 2013 09:01
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